Tuesday, March 6, 2012

V; 4 day update

It’s been four days since I brought V home and finding the time and energy to put up a post is… hard.

A lot’s happened in those long four days.
To keep it short and sweet I’ll give a list.
Notable mentions...
  • *V’s got more personality then any 7 week old puppy I’ve ever meet.
  • *Food isn’t a factor for him, he kind of hates it.
  • *He sleeps almost completely though the night now, and he stopped crying in his crate after the second night.
  • *the outside stairs are no challenge at all, he watched the dogs run up them and was running after then even though he’d never seen one before.

Other dog’s opinions...
  • *Eve Loves V.
  • *Falcor want’s him gone most of the time; it’s been balancing acts to make him still feel loved but behaving.
  • *Star and Max are sure he’s a new toy for them, they just haven’t figured out how to play with it.

I promise more pup photos tomorrow!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

night before jitters

The big day is almost here… I go to the breeders to pick up V tomorrow night!
I cant stop wanting to scream and dance and chant ‘puppy, puppy, puppy!’.